Sustainable Cemeteries Workshops

EcoLogic Solutions supports cemetery owners who are looking to change their landscaping designs to accommodate wildlife habitat and recreational areas while minimizing landscape maintenance costs.

Cemeteries usually consist of only mowed lawns that are expensive to maintain and offer little ecological and sociological value. New York City has over 50 cemeteries across its five boroughs; more than five million people are buried in Queens alone, outnumbering those living by two to one.

We started in 2018, working closely with Greenwood Cemetery to organize a Sustainable Cemeteries Workshop for an annual meeting of the Metropolitan Cemetery Association, the workshop’s success prompted a Sustainable Cemeteries Work Group.

This Work Group will continue to generate conceptual plans for cemeteries and present alternatives for property owners/operators to consider when incorporating sustainability into cemetery design improvements and management.


New York City

Services Provided

Habitat Restoration & Management
Project & Program Management
Environmental Permitting
Interagency Coordination
Public Outreach & Education
Environmental Assessment