PSE&G Bergen Generating Station

EcoLogic Solutions will negotiate with regulators to agree on appropriate compensatory mitigation measures. For example, the Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG’s) Cross Hudson Project impacted three separate wetlands to produce power grid delivery improvements to its Bergen Generating Station facilities. These impacts would require compensatory mitigation by purchasing credits from the Meadowlands Mitigation Bank. The Meadowlands Interagency Mitigation Advisory Committee (MIMAC) rules require a valuation of the wetlands impacted to determine the number of credits needed to adequately compensate for project impacts.

Additionally, we executed a wetland functional assessment using the Indicator Value Assessment (IVA) method to calculate values for each wetland across nine attributes:

  • Water quality improvement
  • Flood flow alteration
  • Habitat for juvenal foraging fish, wading birds, shorebirds, waterfowl, and passerine birds
  • Recreation
  • Conservation potential

The magnitude of impact to each Attribute was determined and compared to the increases in values achieved at the Meadowlands Mitigation Bank due to saltmarsh restoration activities at the bank site. Based on these comparisons, five alternatives to calculate mitigation bank credit ratios were evaluated and presented before the MIMAC.


Bergen and Hudson Counties, New Jersey

Services Provided

Indicator Value Assessment (IVA)

Wetland Delineations and Functional Analyses

Regulatory Compliance

Interagency Coordination

Data Analysis

Environmental Assessment & Site Selection

Site Evaluation

Environmental Permitting, Monitoring & Enforcement

Project & Program Management

Compensatory Mitigation Planning, Implementation & Monitoring

Compensatory Credit Purchases & Marketing